
Alex Hedley Alex Hedley

Coiba Island 101: Everything You Need to Know About Exploring Our Favorite Island Paradise

Coiba Island is a hidden gem and one of the most breathtaking destinations for adventure seekers and nature lovers. Known for its crystal-clear waters, diverse marine life, and untouched landscapes, this island paradise offers world-class diving, surfing, and wildlife encounters. Whether you're planning a day trip or an extended stay, this guide covers everything you need to know about exploring Coiba Island, from how to get there to the best activities and must-see spots.

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Vickie Mogensen Vickie Mogensen

The Best Beginner Surfboards for Learning to Surf

Are you a beginner surfer and looking to buy your first board? If you’re new to surfing, shopping for a new surfboard can feel overwhelming, we get it! As a beginner surfer, you don’t need the latest design from a top shaper, or the shortest board to make the most of your surf sessions. Instead, find a board that matches your skill level and allows you catch as many waves as possible so you can progress as a surfer. Check out our new blog post to find out which surfboard best suits your surf level!

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Vickie Mogensen Vickie Mogensen

The Waluaa Guide to Surf Etiquette & Navigating the Lineup

Paddling out to a new surf lineup can be intimidating, no matter what level of surfer you are. If you’re new to surfing, the lineup may seem like a daunting and even unwelcoming place full of hard-to-understand unwritten rules and crabby locals who enforce them. Once you understand the ins and outs of surf etiquette, you’ll be able to seamlessly blend into any surf lineup on the planet, as long as you’re surfing within your skill level. Read this blog to learn the 5 essential rules every surfer must know for safely navigating the surf line up.

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Vickie Mogensen Vickie Mogensen

Yoga for Surfers 101: Why Yoga and Surf go hand-in-hand and can Improve Your Surfing Journey

Surfing is more than just a sport; it's a lifestyle that demands strength, balance, flexibility, and a deep connection with the elements. While time in the water is crucial for honing your surfing skills, integrating yoga into your routine can provide a multitude of benefits that directly contribute to improved performance on the waves. In this blog, we'll explore how incorporating yoga into your regimen can enhance your surfing experience.

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Vickie Mogensen Vickie Mogensen

Central America’s Best Waves for Beginner Surfing

For a traveling surfer, Central America has it all: warm water, consistent surf, and tropical weather. With so many world-class waves, picking a destination along Central America’s winding Pacific Coast can be a bit overwhelming. New surfers must be particularly careful about which surf destinations they choose, as not all waves are beginner surfing friendly. To find the best beginner surfing waves in Central America, continue reading below.

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Vickie Mogensen Vickie Mogensen

Our Favorite Things to Do in Santa Catalina, Panama

Santa Catalina, Panama, is known for its world-class surf and as the launching point for epic dive trips to Coiba Island. Still, there are plenty of things to do in Santa Catalina that don’t involve paddling out on a surfboard or breathing through a dive regulator, even if those are two of our favorite things. Continue reading below to learn Our Favorite Things to Do in Santa Catalina, Panama.

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Vickie Mogensen Vickie Mogensen

Why Panama is the Ultimate Surf and Yoga Retreat Destination

If you’re searching for an unforgettable destination close to nature and full of life for your next retreat, continue reading below for Why Panama is the Ultimate Surf and Yoga Retreat Destination. With huge biodiversity, varied landscapes, two stunning coastlines, some of the best waves in the world, and, perhaps, the best coffee on the planet. If your passport doesn’t have a Panama stamp, it may be time to book a trip.

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Vickie Mogensen Vickie Mogensen

7 Truths About Traveling in the Rainy Season in Central America

Finally, your vacation leave is approved and you couldn’t be happier! But wait… you just checked your trusty weather app and it’s showing RAIN ALL DAY EVERY DAY. You feel crushed. Argh. Fear Not. We’ve been getting lots of questions lately about what the weather is like here in Panama during rainy season. Here’s what you need to know.

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